Photo Rejuvenation Hamilton, New Jersey

IPL skin rejuvenation is a fast effective way to restore your skin’s natural beauty. Dr. Joseph Guarino offers the Profile BBL™ Broadband light in his Hamilton, NJ office.

BBL can be used to treat a range of cosmetic concerns. Dr. Guarino may recommend BBL for the treatment of:

  • Brown spots
  • Acne
  • Rosacea
  • Age Spots
  • Acne Scars
  • Scars
  • Fine wrinkles
  • Sun spots
  • Small facial veins

IPL Treatment in Hamilton, NJ

Our Photo Rejuvenation  system uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) to heat up the layers of your skin to produce new collagen and diminish the blemishes and lesions on your skin. As we age collagen production decreases allowing the skin to loosen or sag. IPL helps to stimulate the body’s natural process of creating collagen helping to tighten the skin for a more youthful apperance.

Dr. Guarino is one of the most skilled and trusted cosmetic doctors in the Trenton area. Our office is conveniently located in Hamilton, New Jersey, easily accessible for patients traveling from Princeton or Trenton.  Contact us for a free consultation.

Any area of the body can be treated with BBL Photofacial light, but the most common areas for skin rejuvenation treatments are those with the greatest sun exposure, including the face, neck, back of the hands, upper chest and shoulders.

Treatments are non-invasive and are performed in the office by a board-certified physician. Dr. Guarino will create a customized treatment plan based best suited for your skin condition and to achieve the desired results.

Photo Rejuvenation Safety Information

Laser skin treatment is a non-invasive, in-office procedure. Most patients report little to no pain or discomfort. In some instances patients will experience redness for a few hours after treatment which will fade.*

There is no need for general anesthesia, though some request it for laser resurfacing on sensitive areas. Dr. Guarino will provide safety glasses to protect your eyes during the procedure.

Side effects are rare and mild. They may include:

  • Redness, lasting up to a day
  • Mild blistering and bruising occurs in less than 1% of patients
  • Post treatment pigmentation which is very treatable and also very rare

Photo Rejuvenation FAQs

What Is Photo Rejuvenation / BBL / IPL Skin Rejuvenation?

There are many terms for one true meaning – brighter and better-looking skin. Simply put, Dr. Guarino uses the BBL (BroadBand Light) system to achieve photo rejuvenation or skin rejuvenation results. The IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is the light used to brighten and correct damaged skin due to sun exposure.

What Will Happen During the Photo Rejuvenation Procedure?

The BBL laser will heat up the layers of your skin and you will briefly feel a warming sensation. The heat absorbed by the target areas will stimulate your skin cells to generate new collagen and reduce any pigment lesions. Your procedure may take a few minutes to half an hour depending on the size of the area to be treated and the type and depth of the procedure performed.

What Should I Expect After Photo Rejuvenation Treatment?

You may experience some redness on the affected area, but this will resolve in a few hours. In most cases Dr. Guarino can achieve the patient’s desired result in 2 – 4 treatments. You’ll notice your skin will be smoother, fine wrinkles will be less noticeable and the skin coloring will be more even. Your skin will be radiant and you’ll have a more youthful appearance.